E.W. Doc Parris
Some kind of wonderful
Born to a self-taught fine artist and an electronic engineer, E.W. “Doc” Parris has always had one foot in the technical and aesthetic worlds. He pursued a Bachelor of Arts in Acting at the Sergent Conservatory of Theatre Arts before starting a family. A self-taught computer programmer, he’s worked as a graphic designer, art director, creative director, photographer, animator, video editor, web developer, and iOS developer. He’s currently a solutions architect for the leader in online k-12 education.
Doc has a passion for crafting hard, sobering science fiction leavened by wit and the warmth of human relationships. He also has a fondness for imagining non-humanoid intelligent alien life, their biologies, cultures, and peculiar (yet relatable) goals, motivations, and conflicts. He is a proud member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association.
Doc lives in the rural southern reaches of Northern Virginia. When not writing or coding, he’s working to master drawing, photography, slow-smoked barbecue, and rehabbing his 40-year-old 3-bedroom colonial country home.